Before a new site goes live, it’s always wise to have the SEO specialist check it over to make sure the basics are covered and the site can hit the ground running. While most designers and developers are awesome at designing and creating, they’re often too busy to pay attention to the SEO side of a website – and besides, that’s your job
I’ve recently had a few clients’ sites go live simultaneously (which just adds to the fun). To make sure nothing’s missed, I’ve made this easy SEO implementation checklist to complete before the site is seen by the masses. I mean, who doesn’t love a checklist?!?!
On-Site SEO
☐ URL’s are optimized with the correct keyword and are search engine friendly
☐ Page titles exist, are correct and are optimized according to keyword map
☐ H1 and H2 tags exist, are correct and are optimized according to keyword map
☐ Meta descriptions exist, correctly describe the page and include correct keywords
☐ Alt text is present and targeted
☐ Image file names are optimized
☐ Substantial content exists and is optimized according to the keyword map
☐ Site meets all accessibility standards
☐ Meta robots are correct
☐ Robots.txt file is correct
☐ Sitemap is properly prioritized and segmented
Tracking the Website
☐ Analytics code is inserted and correct
☐ Appropriate goals are set up in Analytics for tracking
☐ E-commerce tracking is properly set up
☐ Google Webmaster tools is inserted and correct
Technical Stuff
☐ Canonical tag is correct
☐ Ensure that the site’s www version is redirected to the non-www version (or vice versa)
☐ Internal links are followed
☐ 301 redirects are in place
☐ URLs are absolute
☐ http:// andhttps:// are correct
In addition, if the site you’re working on uses a Content Management System (which it probably does) it’s important that it’s properly set-up. Make sure the proper plugins for sitemaps, titles and redirections are installed and configured correctly. Most hard-core designers, developers and SEO’s abhor the use of CMS’s (the devil’s in the WordPress!), they make life a lot easier – especially when your not-so-techie client wants access to the site’s backend and the ability to add content.