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Social Media Marketing for 2013

Social media marketing will continue to be a growing trend in internet marketing in 2013. If you have not embraced social media marketing for your business, you need to start immediately as it is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website. However, to get the most out of your social media marketing, you need to develop a strategy before you begin doing any of the work. This will help you stay on focused on the task at hand while also giving you an opportunity to periodically analyze your results to see if you are meeting your goals.

Create Great Content

The single most important thing you can do when running a social media marketing campaign is to create great content at all times. Whenever you are posting something to one of your accounts, you want to make sure you are providing your followers with something of value. If your followers do not feel your tweets or status updates are worthwhile, they will merely unfollow you and look for someone else to follow.

Great content should not end with your social media updates either. Ensuring your website has excellent content will entice your followers to continue to follow your social media accounts so they can be alerted as to when you update your site. If people enjoy reading your website, they will want to follow your social media accounts so that they can stay in touch with you as much as possible.

Interact with Your Followers

Interacting with your followers is another great tip to keep in mind when using social media to market your business. Entering into the conversations taking place online will allow you to interact with your customers uniquely. By answering people’s questions via social media, you have the opportunity to present yourself as an industry expert. Once you are viewed as an authority figure on a subject matter, people will be more likely to continue to follow your social media accounts as well as share your content with their friends, bringing you even more followers.

Share Other People’s Content Too

While it is tempting to only link to your website when posting content to your social media accounts, this is something that you should not do. Sharing content that you find online that is not your own provides you with the opportunity to become a go-to source of industry content. Also, people will not feel as if you are always spamming them with links to your own website. If your followers feel all you are doing is promoting your products or service, they will be turned off by marketing methods and will unfollow your social media accounts.

Sharing other people’s high-quality content will allow you to ensure your followers are receiving something of value when following your social accounts.

There is no doubt that social media marketing is here to stay. With the ability to reach a large number of consumers in a short amount of time, every business should be embracing this type of online marketing. Remembering to create great content, interacting with your followers and sharing high-quality content besides your own are all terrific ways to improve your social media marketing efforts.


Yim Virak is an experienced online marketer, he provides web hosting review and internet marketing tips  on his blog The Grizas Online.

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